Amazonite is considered a calming & soothing stone. It balances the masculine & feminine energies, and facilitates an understanding of different points of view. It helps remove the fear of confrontation or judgement, and works encouraging to dig deep for truths and inspirations within; achieving effective, genuine communication. This mineral, with its blue-green hues, is said to bring clarity and authenticity to the soul. It assists in setting sound boundaries, both internal and external. Amazonite is a stone of flow, strength and adventure. A powerful tool for anyone with artistic ambitions as it stimulates the creative and imaginative mind, while guiding focus on accomplishment of goals, dreams and desires.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. A stone of the mind. It calms the emotions, stimulates focus, enhances memory and improves motivation. The stone encourages inner peace and clarity of thought, opens intuition and activates spiritual awareness. It has strong healing & cleansing powers and is regarded as an aid to sobriety in helping fight addictive, and ease obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams.

Blue topaz is by nature a romantic gem and symbolizes beauty & uniqueness. As a stone of love & good fortune, it is thought to help recognize and pursue true love. This stunning crystal promotes openness, honesty, fidelity and forgiveness. It releases tension, inducing relaxation and harmony. Topaz soothes, heals and recharges, directing energy to where it's needed most. It is associated with courage and communication and is used to enhance higher thinking; helping to channel thoughts, express emotions and promote perspective. It increases the adventurous spirit, the ability to "get the big picture" and assists in applying yourself to accomplish success on all levels.

Carnelian gets the inner fire burning; igniting energy, focus and self-confidence. This mineral is a powerful ally when major action is needed, or when preparing for - as well as healing from a significant physical accomplishment. As a stabilizing stone, it helps banish emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life, boosting vitality and motivation, stimulating courage and creativity. It improves analytic abilities, sharpens concentration and clarifies perception. Carnelian is immune-boosting, promotes fertility and sparks sexuality.

Cat's-eye chrysoberyl is considered one of the luckiest gemstones. The opalescent reflections in this beautiful, earthy mineral exude positivity and good fortune. Traditionally, cat's-eye is believed to protect its wearer from evil spirits and unforeseen danger; stimulating intuition, awareness and concentration. It provides for good judgement and a deeper understanding; is known to help stabilize emotions, remain calm during difficult situations, and grounded in the present. Cat's-eye encourages optimism, confidence and self-discipline. It motivates staying on track in the pursuit of your goals.

Chalcedony has many healing properties. The calming and stabilizing energies of this luminous, translucent mineral strengthen the inner peace and radiance. It is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood, kindness & generosity, and is considered sacred by Native Americans. It is said to absorb negative thoughts or emotions and banish bad dreams & restless sleep. Chalcedony brings the mind, body, feelings and spirit into harmony. It is considered to increase openness and enthusiasm; giving the stamina and ability to implement positive life changes.

Chrysoprase signifies a love of the truth. It is a stone of grace and compassion, confidence and forgiveness. It is said to enhance your inner balance, help mend a broken heart & heal relationships. This gem has traditionally symbolized happiness. It is a strong detoxifying stone, is excellent for relaxation, facilitates deep meditative states, and stimulates peaceful sleep. Chrysoprase encourages a non-judgmental attitude, assists in breaking negative cycles & easing compulsive behavior. It boosts mental clarity, supports independence and strengthens commitment. This translucent, green crystal instills you with poise and creativity; drawing out unknown talents. It is considered a powerful stone for entrepreneurs; attracting good fortune and success in new ventures.

Citrine is known as a stone of manifestation, imagination and willpower; attracting success and prosperity. It makes a potent tool for effective workspaces, and is commonly called “The Merchant's Stone”. This sparkly crystal infuses your spirit with a high vibe, positive energy. Throughout history, citrine has been treasured for its vibrant color and brilliance, and is associated with the sun; representing a healthy, happy body, mind and soul. It is said to stimulate the brain, awaken creativity and activate the enthusiasm & confidence needed to fulfill your ambitions.
Clear quartz is an energy amplifier. It is seen as the "master healer" stone and will intensify the energy in heart and mind, as well as strengthen the benefits of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. This crystal enhances psychic abilities, as connector to a higher consciousness. It stimulates concentration and unlocks memory, boosts the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Emerald is a traditional stone which has long been considered a symbol of truth, romance and hope. A stone of loyal, deep and unconditional love, providing for strong, caring relationships. Lots of legends surround this stunning and powerful gem. The Ancient Egyptians believed emerald represented fertility and rebirth; its rich green color signifying the spring season, new beginnings and vitality. Cleopatra was known for her fascination with emeralds. These crystals are said to increase intuitive intelligence; imparting reason and wisdom, encouraging patience and inner-growth. Emeralds are regarded as nurturing & protective minerals, bringing positive actions, peaceful dreams, health and abundance.

Garnet symbolizes love & devotion. It is believed to stimulate the senses; inspiring passion & creativity, increasing vitality & stamina. This gem, resembling the deep red seed of a pomegranate, is thought to revitalize, purify and balance energies; bringing serenity and emotional harmony. It sharpens perceptions, removes inhibitions & opens the heart. It strengthens the survival instinct, sparks an inner fire & heightens self-confidence; bringing courage and attracting success. Garnets are considered to promote healthy choices and protect travelers on their journeys.

Labradorite is known as a stone of transformation. This magical, iridescent gem with its playful display of colors is a helpful tool when going through significant changes. It imparts willpower, confidence and perseverance. Labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors against negative energies. It is an excellent aid in heightening the intuition; perceiving what is real and seeing situations in a new light. Labradorite helps stimulate the imagination, boost spirituality and calm the mind. This crystal brings out the best in people.

Lapis Lazuli, treasured by the ancient Egyptians who considered it a symbol of the night sky, is said to represent friendship, wisdom and truth. This stone is all about history and authenticity. It is believed to bring about harmony in relationships and deep inner self-knowledge, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions. Lapis helps integrate the wisdom gained from past experiences and stimulate the desire for knowledge and understanding. It is a powerful tool for meditation, and assists in relieving stress, bringing deep peace and clarity. This gem empowers you to get real with yourself & take responsibility for your own choices.

Moonstone has long been regarded as a talisman for psychic abilities. It grants a perceptiveness to distinguish what is needed in life versus what is wanted. Associated with empowered femininity, it enhances the intuitive mind, and makes for a soothing friend when emotions or hormones are heightened. It is said to promote nurturing qualities, and the acceptance of love. Legendary as the Traveler's Stone, this crystal is thought to be especially beneficial for those who travel by night or over water, under a shining moon. As a stone for new beginnings, it attributes to inner strength; stimulating self-reflection and - development. Moonstone boosts inspiration, visualization & synchronicity. It amplifies the clarity to recognize opportunities for success.

Pearls symbolize wisdom, loyalty, innocence and integrity. Many cultures have made lunar associations with pearls. Unlike gemstones, which come from the earth, pearls are gems that form in mollusks like clams and oysters, and can be found in both fresh - and salt water. With their serene beauty, they make perfect companions to mineral gems. They are valued for their calming effects and are believed to offer protection, cultivate inner knowledge as well as attract good fortune and wealth. They also assist in maintaining and restoring the body’s natural rhythm & balance. Often given as a token of affection, pearls represent serenity and generosity. They help strengthen valuable relationships, bring loving people into your life and nurture pure love.

Peridot is known as the stone of compassion. It is thought to strengthen life, attract prosperity, motivate growth and increase openness to change. This bright green stone is a powerful cleanser. It releases and neutralizes toxins, helps alleviate negative feelings and is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. It has the ability to inspire expressiveness & creativity and increase confidence & assertion. Peridot sharpens the mind, opening it to new levels of awareness.

Prasiolite is a stone of transformative energies. It fosters love and compassion, while clearing the mind, body and spirit of negative energy. It is a powerful crystal, which encourages spiritual and personal growth, facilitating a deeper connection to Mother Nature. Prasiolite promotes an intuitive capability, offering inner vision and unleashing inner power. It is thought to bring about prosperity; inspiring creativity, strengthening willpower and attaining success. Prasiolite is a useful healing stone, as it releases blockages on the emotional level and assists the body to detoxify.
Pyrite is an excellent stone for stimulating confidence, action and intellect. It helps fight procrastination habits, and achieve an unstoppable abundance of creative inspiration & productivity. This crystal enhances manifestation, memory, vitality and will power. It encourages physical health, and emotional well-being. Wear this gem and follow your dreams!
Rose Quartz is all about love; universal, pure and unconditional love. It carries a nurturing, feminine & soothing energy. This powerful gem with its subtle pink hue cultivates a deep sense of empathy, compassion, reconciliation and forgiveness. It promotes the release of tension and opens the heart; can help you understand & accept past situations, and is comforting in times of grief. Rose quartz allows you to move forward. This classic love crystal is legendary for its ability to heal a broken heart, attract new love, restore trust & harmony in relationships and strengthen self-worth. It is a stone of infinite peace.

Sapphire has long been associated with peace and happiness. As a "wisdom stone", it is believed to help with concentration, communication, insight and inspiration. Sapphire is a purifier and a cleanser. It restores balance within the body on the physical, mental and spiritual levels; bringing serenity & piece of mind. This precious gemstone is also known as a "stone of prosperity", intensifying the energy needed to accomplish genuine fulfillment of ambitions, dreams and desires.
Smokey quartz is seen as nature's stone of endurance; nurturing serenity & calmness, promoting positive thoughts and actions. As an excellent grounding stone, it neutralizes negativity and is detoxifying on all levels. This crystal is thought to dissolve fear, relieve stress and ease feelings of anxiety. It assists with concentration & communication skills; manifesting dreams, bringing abundance, prosperity and good fortune.

Turquoise is a purification stone; A sacred, protective and healing stone. It helps eliminate negative energy, and is considered to instill inner calm and promote self-realization. Turquoise is a stone of friendship in many cultures. It has an ancient history as a revered gemstone, cherished by indigenous cultures. Native Americans value turquoise as a manifestation of earth consciousness, bridging heaven and earth. Blue turquoise representing Father Sky & green turquoise symbolizing Mother Earth. It embodies the wisdom from life's past experiences, the awareness of nature and its cycles, and is believed to attract success and love.